Building community through local partnerships

Nyirrunggulung-Rise, located in the Northern Territory of Australia, is a joint venture creating job opportunities, providing training and supporting social infrastructure.

We service the needs of communities of Beswick, Barunga, Manyallalak, Binjari and Bulman through the Community Development Programme. Working with local community, we assist local enterprise development and build leadership skills in our youth.

Our values


We listen and will seek out your voice


We are humble in our approach


We will foster opportunities for all


We learn by doing


We own our responsibility, successes and failures

Our Communities

Beswick • Barunga • Manyallalak • Binjari • Bulman


Community Development Programme

The Community Development Programme (CDP) supports job seekers in remote Australia to build skills, address barriers and contribute to their communities through skills training, supporting social infrastructure and real infrastructure.
CDP is a vehicle for change for communities and individuals.

Community engagement

Engagement and Community Advisory boards shape our service delivery so that the focus is on community and individual outcomes that are aligned with our stakeholders and customers.

Nyirrunggulung-Rise partners with other community organisations and services to deliver locally-focused projects. Both RISE Ventures and Nyirrunggulung run vibrant service delivery in remote Australia.


CDP leads to jobs. Structured training and hands on learning ensures our engaged participants are ready for work. Even in a small community we identify employment prospects and create opportunities for sustainable employment.

Business incubation and innovation

The world is changing and so too is the economy of unique part of remote Australia. Nyirrunggulung-Rise supports makerspaces and hubs for the local community to participate building small business enterprises. This region is rich with culture, artistry and creativity that we can showcase to the world.


Engaging eligible community members, we design and deliver work-like activities that benefit community. CDP offers unique local activities that not only increase our client’s skills but supports the community’s vision for their future