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Katherine Research Station Project

By November 4, 2022No Comments
Katherine Research Station

The Nyirrunggulung-RISE Katherine Research Station Project is getting closer to begin. We have most of the equipment and supplies needed and are excited to get started growing plants at the station.

The green shed at the Katherine Research Station

We are working closely with Research Station staff and experts which have kindly allowed us to use the shade house and large fenced in paddock for our activities.

Sarah Grogan has been a great help keeping our staff up to date with things we need to do and what can be grown at different times of the year in this region.

The Nyirrunggulung-RISE team at the Katherine Research Station

The Barunga team and Nyirrunggulung-RISE staff with the help from Sarah and Tegan from Katherine Research Station started putting in irrigation in for our first crop of vegetables. The crops we grow will vary according to the seasons.

The team are learning many new skills during this project from; raising plants from seeds, fertilising methods and irrigation.

Once we harvest the crop we then move to learning the best ways to prepare and cook what we grow. The produce will be distributed to people in communities to enjoy fresh produce.

The plan is to team get up to plant fresh produce in local communities once we have got our processes sorted for each crop.

The team busy planting the seeds for our first crop of vegetables

A BIG thank you to the Katherine Research Station for the support on this project.