Our adventure started by getting our vehicle bogged. We proved today that we are strong women.
A bogged car will not stop us! Very happy we made it and the car is okay!
On way to our Women’s Lunch Tracy Beesley and the ladies at the Beswick Billabong
Our Beswick and Barunga women celebrated International Women’s Day by going back on country.
Here were are at the Beswick Billabong where the ladies went fishing and sat by the Billabong yarning.

We don’t need no fancy restaurant as we prepared our lunch in the back of our vehicle and an esky for a table.
Getting lunch organised Serving lunch Nearly ready to eat!

The women appreciated the opportunity to get out of their community and get a day out on country.
Finding time to connect after lunch Nice day to relax at the Beswick Billabong Everyone had a great time Relaxing after lunch with a yarn Yarning with likeminded women
The ladies were presented with a beautiful lunch and a lovely pamper pack. All that attended had a great day out yarning and connecting with other women.