Katherine Training Hub has been a busy place this month. Nyirrunggulung-RISE teams from Beswick and Barunga have been coming in for their training sessions.
In between these sessions, the fellas have been using their spare time to work on unfinished projects. One of the most meaningful projects they’ve taken on is making concrete headstones for unmarked graves.
The guys had to mix, pour and set the concrete headstones. After they were set, the teams took time to carefully cut and sand them down until they were smooth and presentable.
The fellas’ dedication and hard work shone through in the quality of the headstones they created. Each one was crafted with care and attention to detail, reflecting the respect they held for the deceased. It was a hard job, but it was also very rewarding.
When the headstones were ready the fellas take them back to their communities and place them on unmarked graves. This is a fantastic initiative, and we commend the fellas for using their spare time to pay respect and work at such a worthwhile project.