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Building A Barunga Community Hub

By July 20, 2023No Comments

The Barunga men’s team are on the second stage of their community hub building project. 

They are turning an unused building at Barunga School into a community art and activity hub. 

The first step was clearing out the inside of the building and then they turned their attention to the outside.  

With the help of the Roper Gulf Regional Council workers, they trimmed trees and tidied up the grounds surrounding the building.  

It was a big job, with 6 trailer loads of foliage and rubbish being taken to the tip! 

We combined the clean-up with an onsite chainsaw training course run by Adam Stanton from the Batchelor Institute. This was an excellent opportunity for the fullas to learn on the job and they put their skills to good use straight away.   

It’s awesome to see the team transforming the building and grounds. Watch this space for more updates over the next few weeks!